Saturday, June 16, 2018


I have only been in Curitiba for four days, but I am already falling in love with the city and feeling at home. There is such a vibrancy to Brazil, even in the rainy, cold weather that we have been experiencing over the past couple of days. I am really looking forward to exploring even more of the country. I will be working at the Pequeno Principe Institute and have spent my time so far meeting everyone and deciding what research project I will be working on. Here are some pictures from my time here so far: 
This is the living room of mine and Robert's apartment in Central Curitiba. I am trying to work on my Portuguese by watching some Brazilian shows because currently my most used phrase is Eu não falo português, desculpe (I do not speak Portugues, sorry). There have also been an abnormally large amount of movies starring Shia Labeouf on TV for some reason.

This is the view that we have outside of our apartment window, and the street that we walk down every day to get to the lab.

These are some of my fellow lab members, and one of the main labs in the building that they conduct their experiments in. Everyone has been so nice and they have had fun teaching me new words in Portuguese. I do not think I will be fluent by the end of the summer, but I will know science related Portuguese pretty well!

Today, Robert and I were invited to eat lunch with our lab director, Bonald, and his family. These four days have already been so wonderful and I am looking forward to what the rest of my time here holds!

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