Saturday, July 11, 2020

Finishing up the questionnaire as a team

This past week we have been creating and finalizing the questionnaire designed for the community health care workers. This questionnaire will help us understand the challenges, strengths, and details of what an Mhealth application might hold in these communities. Many of our meetings so far have been us researching, learning, and absorbing knowledge. This week, I felt like we are starting to do something tangible that will have a measurable impact on our work. This questionnaire, after all of the research and knowledge that we have gained, is our first real step toward our goal of implementing Mhealth in the community. This is really exciting and I am looking forward to seeing the responses and results of the evaluation. After being home for so long and looking at such increasingly depressing news about the corona virus, the feeling I am going to do something with a real life positive impact in the world is liberating.
I have also gotten to know my team members more throughout the past few weeks as we have worked together to complete our growing responsibilities. It is a bittersweet experience as each person is unique and fun and brings something different to the group, but it is hard not to imagine how fun 8 weeks in Nicaragua would have been with the Mhirt team. I am happy we are becoming friends, but I would be lying if I was not disappointed in missing out on the opportunity to have  become friends in person. Maybe we will all meet in person sometime and have an adventure, but for now, I am happy that I have gotten to know them as well as I have. 

Jeremy's videos  have inspired me to make some Nicaraguan food, and I'll be making vaho next week. This is a picture of what I hope mine will look like! Please let me know if you have tips on how it should turn out or any recipes you think are great!

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