Saturday, June 8, 2013

Welcome to Kampala, Uganda!

 A view of Kampala from the City Square Hotel. The sound of people, car horns, and vuvuzelas (horns from the Fifa World Cup) have become our lullaby at night.  Justin has been particularly fond of the nightclub right below his room.

The only Baha'i Temple in Africa.  It's a beautiful site on a hill overlooking the sprawling metropolis.  Great place to sit and relax, but beware of the boda boda (motorcycle taxi) ride to get's a doozy!

Working on our qualitative methods.  Justin and I are doing some observation and taking field notes in preparation for our collaborative work in Gulu. 

We've had a wonderful time getting lost, sightseeing, and going to the football (soccer) match between Uganda and Liberia! As much as we've enjoyed our time here, we are very excited to leave Kampala tomorrow and head to Gulu where we can begin our research project with the Center for Reparations and Rehabilitation! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amanda and team,

    I'm in Gulu until the end of the month and would love to see you when you get here. My number is 0783300103. Please give me a call once you get settled in.

