Sunday, July 12, 2015

Bus Rides and Trails in Brazil

Last week I went to Rio de airport Janeiro. I caught the bus to the airport which I enjoy because I get a better view of a lot of Floripa. It's interesting how this city can be very urban yet also have a lot of green space. Closer to the airport is the Centro. There are historic buildings, taller buildings, and many homes on surrounding mountains there. Closer to my house, there is more green space. Our house is in a beautiful forest which I love. There was a lot of traffic to the airport, I saw kids getting out of school. It made me so happy to see kids running and hopping around. It made me think about growing up in Illinois. I wondered how it would be to grow up in Floripa.

I arrived to the airport, and unfortunately my flight was cancelled. Luckily the airline got me on another flight, but it left much later. Flights from Floripa to Rio are very affordable. The most expensive flights to Rio round trip were $90. I find that to be quite a deal! I had a great weekend in Rio spending time with close friends there. There were Brazilian students who studied at my university. They went through a program called Ciencas Sim Fronteiras (Science Without Borders). I've been able to see most of them since they live in Rio de Janeiro. We went on a hike calle Trilha de Urca, and I loved it. The hike was up a mountain, and although it was kind of cold outside, we began to get sweaty real quick while going up. The forest was dense and there were cool rocks that helped while going up. It took about 45 minutes, and we stopped in between to drink water and eat some kit kats I brought. At the end of it we saw a gorgeous view of Rio. It was cloudy out, but still a lovely sight.

I still want to explore more of Floripa and Brazil while I'm here. Each city is its own world, and somehow I want to see and experience every part of each city I'm in!
Top of Trilha de Urca

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