Friday, June 12, 2015

Olá y'all !

Cari here! SO, we have officially made it TWO WEEKS in Florianopolis (or FLORIPA as the locals call it). As you can tell by the picture above, it has been beautiful and sunny almost every day. Apparently, this is atypical weather for winter time in Brazil, but I’m certainly loving it!

The girls and I are starting to settle in with our work schedules and have been trying to get our bus schedules down. The bus system here is much better than in Memphis, but can still be tricky while we are still familiarizing ourselves with the city, rush hour, etc. Whereas evening rush hour in the US would be from 5-6, here it is 6:30- 7:30. This has been an adjustment, but attempting to navigate the city gives us ample opportunities to practice our Portuguese! This is particularly true in my case since I am ALWAYS getting lost having mini adventures!

Although getting lost in a different country can be really stressful and scary, one thing that I really appreciate about Floripa is how kind and patient everyone has been with us. At the bus station, multiple people have stepped up to help us find the right bus or communicate our problems. When I got lost by myself, two people helped me to find the right bus that would take me directly where I wanted to go even though my broken Portuguese made it difficult for them to understand me; they even made sure I got off at the right area!

Floripa has been a constant reminder to be patient, kind, helpful, and positive both with myself and others.  As I read on a particularly awesome piece of street art “Atitude inspira attitude. SORRIA”

Até logo!

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