I've been back in the states for three days now and I can't believe my time in Uganda is over. It seemed like just yesterday, I was anxious as we got off the plane and made our way through customs in Entebbe. On the way home, I was filled with excitement to be back, but also a little anxiety about what's to come considering the fact I have to move across the country in 7 days.
In spite of my worries, while reflecting, I developed a sense of peace, because I accomplished my goals for my summer in Uganda. Our research was successful, we've successfully analyzed our data, and almost completed our paper (yes, be jealous). At the same, time, we were also able to have a little fun, and explore the natural beauties in the "Pearl of Africa".
On a personal note, I'm extremely grateful for MHIRT. Aside from the professional preparation that the experience provided me, the opportunity to travel abroad helped me to expand my perspective. Now, for graduate school I'll have another lens to approach the questions I have.
The kindness and generosity of the people of Uganda will always be embedded into my heart. In fact, they encouraged me to try to increase the ways in which I am kind to others as I embark on this new phase of my life. I have to admit, saying goodbye to some was quite difficult, but I have the memories to carry me until we meet again.
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