Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Final thoughts from Belém

As I think back on another amazing two and a half months in Belém, I become overwhelmed by a mix of powerful emotions. I am truly blessed to have such a compassionate and helpful Brazilian family! My colleague and homie, Joyce, introduced me to her entire family back in 2016 and they essentially took me in as one of their own. Thanks to them, this year I traveled to the beautiful beaches of Salinas, to the island Algodoal in the Atlantic, and to so many other breathtaking destinations in the north of Brazil.  Because they included me in all their outings and activities I truly felt at home in Belém. My friend Alan helped me become way more familiar with the local slang (jiripoca... kkkkkkk) and gave me a much better understanding of the economic and political issues currently happening in Brazil.

I also grew close with my colleague, Terezinha, who took me to beaches in the state of Pará, to festivals, parties and introduced me to her family and friends! Thanks to our discussions about race, class, corruption, music, and all of our cultural similarities and differences, I felt that I was gaining a better understanding of the hardships and the beauty of life in the north of Brazil.

I reconnected with old friends, formed new relationships with colleagues and residents of Belém and felt that I was becoming more Paraense (term for someone who lives in the state of Pará) by the day! Just as I felt that I was at home, and became comfortable thinking, conversing, and dreaming in Portuguese my time was up! And it was time to return back to the motherland.

The CBU-MHIRT program has given me more opportunities and life long connections to Belém and Brazil than I could ever thank them for. I feel like I am eternally in debt to them for this opportunity to return again to Belém.

Until next time Belém!

Égua, minha viagem foi bagulho doido! Até a proxima família Freitas <3

Picture of my good friend Terezinha, and company with me in the background!

Alan, his girlfriend Iracy, and I getting some pizza after getting some fresh hair cuts. 

Picture of Joyce, my friend Protasio, and myself chilling.

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