Here is our delegation coordinator, Jilmer, collecting a water sample in one of the water resources of Fila Grande, a resilient community in rural Matagalpa. Later that day, we tested the water for E. coli and arsenic and then shared the result with the health committee of the community who later shared it with the community.
This was after a great day of health stations where we completed surveys, measured height and weight and tested for anemia for children under 5 years of age and pregnant women. Here I was sharing stickers with some of the kids of the community after they got back from school.
In this picture we can see Don Petronilo, the health promoter of Fila Grande, sharing some of the historic and socio-economic context of the community and to the right, Jilmer, our delegation's coordinator who translated to English for those who don't understand Spanish.
During our time en el campo, all the women of our delegation stayed in a classroom next to the school and the men stayed in the local health post. Mosquito nets were a must! But thankfully the temperature dropped a few degrees at night which made sleeping quite pleasant.
After our week en el campo, we spent the weekend at a hostel by the Laguna de Apoyo. The sunrise was worth the early wake up call.
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