Graduating college is terrifying, relieving, yet exciting all at the same time. Given the opportunity to live in Brazil has made the transition a little easier. Living in Brazil hasn't been perfect. I've been forced out of my comfort zone many times, It was harder to make local friends than I expected. It was harder to understand the bus system and get around. Eventually, you just have to go for it. You have to allow yourself to butcher portuguese and maybe you just need to ride the bus and see where it goes. You also meet other travelers who have come from many different paths! This trip has motivated me to continue traveling. For example, I am in Rio de Janerio seeing the olympics and after i'm going to Chile! Places i've always wanted to visit but had no idea when I would actually go.
In another aspect, going to Floripa and having three women as our mentors has been a great motivation. Seeing strong, successful and independent women run their own lab is awesome. Especially in a place like Brazil where it is so machismo. Not only do they exemplify strong women, they were all so laid back and personable. This has led to a very different lab experience than my others.
Overall, this has been a totally new and great experience that I will forever be thankful for.
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