We spent another day at Ibirapuera Park hoping to see a few exhibits at the Sao Paulo Museum of Modern Art but when we got there they told us none of their exhibits were ready so we enjoyed the park instead. I got this romantic view as the sun was setting.
On our walk home we came upon this Mexican restaurant with the greatest churros I’ve ever had. Churros are common in New York City. The sweet little Mexican lady at Sutphin Blvd. on the J train selling her churros is a staple of New Yorker life. These churros on the other hand were caramel filled, came with dulce de leche sauce and were more delicious than I could handle. With each warm bite I felt my soul get ready to leave my body because the flavors were just too good
A few days ago we went to Pinacoteca, a modern and contemporary art museum. Well, it said modern and contemporary art but I saw a lot of old paintings while we were there. Being at this museum really made me want to visit Rio. A section of the museum just had countless paintings with various views of Rio de Janeiro. The painting below is my favourite. At first I thought it was a really big photograph but the artist has simply paid that much attention to detail and taken great care to create this beautiful piece of art.
After we left Pinacoteca we walked around the area and came across a Korean BBQ place. I haven't had Korean BBQ since I was in Korea in 2012 and nothing could have made me happier than finding this place.
Brazil has welcomed me and I can’t wait to see what else is in store for the next few weeks!
Can you mail some of those churros? They look AMAZING!