After flying for 17 hours we finally made it to the beautiful Brazilian state of Santa Catarina!
The airplane had a screen where you could track the progress of the flight! After about 2 hours I was more than ready to land. It was such a long flight!
Our first view off the plane! I was so happy to be on land again and the mountains provided an extra bonus!
The living room of our awesome pousada! Each bedroom has an amazing view of palm trees and the lagoa!

The small peninsula where our pousada is located.
The beautiful beach of Praia Mole! We took a walk on the beach and marveled at the impressive waves of the Atlantic Ocean.
Our mentors showed us the building we will be working in. This one is mine!
A informação mencionada no artigo são alguns dos melhores disponíveis para desfrutar de lugares do Brasil. conversacao ingles florianopolis Nossa escola oferece diversos tipos de cursos, regulares e intensivos, para adultos e adolescentes. Preparatório IELTS e Cambridge, aulas particulares, conversação, método eficiente.